Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Revision of Wk 2

I think the key points to remember from this week's readings were that PR is a minefield. No one person can accurately provide a definition for what it is that PR practitioners do.

Possibly the easiest and most straightforward way of pin-pointing what PR encompasses is to look at “the roles and key activities” provided by Johnston & Zawawi in this chapter.

A few of these described were:

• Communication
• Publicity
• Promotions
• Press Agentry
• Issues management
• Crisis management
• Industry Relations
• Event Management
• Sponsorship
• Cause/Relationship Marketing
• Fundraising

I also found the relationship between the publics and the various entities of high interest.
The definitions of active and passive publics I found useful in understanding these relationships.

Trends in PR and PR in the context of University education also provided me with an wider understanding of the background and basis of the PR industry.

The readings made me think more about public relations theory/practice through detailed description of the various functions and uses of PR.

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