Monday, August 6, 2007

Week 4 - Revised

Now that I am officially up-to-date with the appropriate readings it would be safe to say I am now able to post correctly.

Chapter 11 - Internal and Community Relations

I think the key points to remember from this week's readings were that PR not only encompasses the relationships between companies and publics but also involves the relations between companies/organisations and their staff.

Internal PR is an important element any organisations workings. It is vital to maintain employee goodwill for a number of reasons. In a company with twenty employees, if one individual is not satisfied with their treatment within an organisation or does not feel that their work is being recognised or appreciated, they could in turn create a ripple effect amongst the other 19 employees, resulting in all employees feeling undervalued. This in turn goes on to resonate throughout these employees' families and therefore the community. This, therefore could potentially go onto cause the related company much unnecessary media attention and a negative image and therefore tainted reputation throughout the community if not internationally if the company has international relations as well.

These negative instances can occur very simply. That is they can occur from lack of communication with employees, regarding managerial changes, policy changes, changes to working conditions and more. To avoid this lack of communication, simple processes can be utilised.

Company Newsletters and/or Newpapers

These can inform employees and/or other parties involved with the company about upcoming events and changes within the company.


These can be taken for granted as they easily blend and become part of the furniture. However they can be useful if placed in a high traffic area or where staff congregate e.g tea/staff room. Constantly changing information and structure of the board also insights interest from employees because change attracts attention.

Brief letters exchanged particularly on staff issues. Can be presented in bullet form to encourage easy reading.

These can create goodwill between company and staff, letting staff know that their hard work is not going unnoticed. These awards could be in the form of a certificate, cash bonus, gift or sometimes a travel package. Sometimes awards are given to those who have remained with the company for an extended period of time. (i.e. ten, twenty years and so on).

Company functions are also an excellent way to invigorate employees. This also lets them know that the company recognises that they are human beings and not just 'employees'. Family friendly events are also a way of saying thank you to not just their employees but also their families for the services provided to the company.

These provide employees with regular information about what is happening within the organisation.

The readings made me think more about public relations theory/practice in that PR has to encompass every form of relationship a company has with publics, not only external but also internal, for the organisation to function smoothly as a friendly and approachable entity.

1 comment:

cmns1290briannadransfield said...

Good to see you got there! I agree with your points. I think it's interesting to see how much can be involved in internal relations and how essential it is to the productivity of an organisation. It almost makes PR sound (gasp)...friendly!