Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Week 3

Chapter 3 - Theoretical Perspectives

I think the key points to remember from this week's readings were that :
 Public Relations is a difficult, contested and controversial area of study.
 It is used by powerful organisations to influence the way we think and thus the way the world works.
 PR ‘borrows’ approaches from other areas of study such as Semiotics or Semiology form Communication

Grunig’s Models and the ‘Symmetrical debate’

Model 1 – Press Agentry
More like the Publicity model of communication. Its main purpose is to get as much attention as possible for organisation, event or product.
Model 2 – Public Information
Takes its main structure from communication’s Transmission model. It’s simple function is to communicate a message easily and truthfully to its publics.
Model 3 – Two-way Asymmetric
Two-way communication in which the bias is in the relevant organisations favour or view rather than taking on board public opinion.
Model 4 – Two-way Symmetric
‘Ideal Model’. This is the model PR aims to adhere to, to produce ‘perfect PR’. Here “publics’ views are respected and are given the same importance as the views of the organisation sponsoring the PR work.

The readings made me think more about public relations theory/practice in the context of adhering to certain theories and models to aid the success and effectiveness of PR plans/campaigns.

1 comment:

cmns1290-Luke Bryan said...

Dear Annika,
Whilst your choice of background is very similar to everyone else's in our class, your blog is a standout. Your comparison of Grunig's models with the publicity and transmission models taught in our introduction course shows great insight as well as Judith Sandner's ability to instill knowledge in us all.Well done Annika...and thankyou Judith Sandner